North Pier Light
Duluth, Minnesota

North Pier Light - MHPR SL-DUL-0348-02

The North Pier Light’s cast-iron tower (MHPR SL-DUL-0348) was designed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Office of the Lighthouse Engineer and has served as a navigational beacon at the entrance to the Duluth Ship Canal since its construction in 1909. Its fifth order Fresnel lens (manufactured in 1882 by the Henry-Lepaute company of Paris, France) has been in use in the Duluth harbor for over 130 years. The light is considered a contributing element of the Duluth Ship Canal Historic District. Large format photographic documentation for the Minnesota Historic Property Record (MHPR) was performed for the US Coast Guard under contract with Tetra Tech, Inc. (Minneapolis).

North Pier Light - MHPR SL-DUL-0348-03 (Please credit Daniel R. Pratt and the Minnesota Historic Property Record)

1882 Fresnel Lens - MHPR SL-DUL-0348-05 (Please credit Daniel R. Pratt and the Minnesota Historic Property Record)

North Pier Light SL-DUL-0348-07

North Pier Light SL-DUL-0348-07North Pier Light SL-DUL-0348-11