Ah-Gwah-Ching State Sanatorium for Consumptives

Ah-Gwah-Ching State Sanatorium for Consumptives

Walker, Minnesota

Between 1907 and 1962, the Minnesota State Sanatorium for Consumptives (MHPR CA-SGB-003), also known as the Ah-Gwah-Ching Center, treated nearly 14,000 tuberculosis patients. After conversion to a geriatric care facility, the center served as many as 460 patients until its closing in 2008. The large-scale complex was significant under National Register Criterion A in the context of Health and Medicine as the most significant site related to the treatment of tuberculosis in Minnesota. The facility was also significant under Criterion C for the relationship between its architectural design and early twentieth century theories regarding tuberculosis treatment.

One of the first historic properties documented under the Minnesota Historic Property Record (MHPR), the complex of 22 buildings was demolished in 2010.


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